TutorED+ Extended Day
High dosage tutoring for K-5 for 8 weeks. 2 hours Literacy and 1 hour math tutoring Mon-Thurs for 8 weeks.
% of students demonstrating growth in Math
% of students demonstrating growth in Reading
TutorED+ High Dosage Tutoring Full School Year
High dosage tutoring partner.
Percent of change in student performance between reporting periods
Afterschool intervention model for grades 6-8.
Percent of Growth In Math at Program Completion
Percent of Growth in ELA at Program Completion
District Pre-Algebra & Algebra initiative-Full year support.
Teacher Report of Student Performance
UI Evidence of Effectiveness
Student Growth on SOL Tests
Student Performance on Standards of Learning SOL Tests
Standard of Student Performance
UI Student Growth in VA
Statistically significant percentage of UI students increasing their score on state testing correlated to number of UI sessions they attended
Students who attended more learning sessions showed more growth than those who attended fewer learning sessions
93% of students who attended 26 or more sessions increased their state assessment score in math
77% of students who attended 26 or more sessions increased their state assessment score in reading