Schools, districts, and state education agencies need a proven, targeted approach to meet the additional needs of students at risk or underserved during the school day and beyond—to increase students’ confidence and achievement.
Educators and administrators need impactful tutoring and intervention programs to support standards-based district and statewide initiatives—to improve success rates and learning outcomes.

TutorED™ is the turn-key solution.
Fully customizable and available during the school day, after school, during the summer, and virtually.
Compliant with Title I and CARES Act Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) requirements, funds can be used to implement this proven solution.
Designed for K-12 students, the program includes:
Tutor recruitment, training, payroll, and management
Standards-aligned instruction and personalized learning
Progress monitoring to track student performance
Data/outcomes gathering, analysis, and reporting
All programs include UI’s Division of Instruction led by a team of former district leadership educators, to help to provide our district partners programmatic support, capacity and bandwidth to ensure academic outcomes for priority-focused schools and students.
Our network of certified instructors is ready to help your school build intentional, equitable learning communities where all students are valued and have opportunities to grow and achieve success.
TutorED services include:
Support for students with disabilities
English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) interventions
Reading/literacy interventions
Mathematics and Algebra interventions
TutorED provides K-12 support in all content areas, including:
Mathematics and Algebra
English Language Arts (ELA), and Reading/Literacy
Core Content and Special Education

We deliver personalized instruction with proven outcomes.
Classroom Support
Degreed specialists with instructional experience and/or certified teachers deliver in-person, student-centered support aligned with classroom instruction, state-wide standards, and district learning priorities.
Virtual instruction includes placement and management of dedicated educators who are trained to engage students and deliver meaningful support aligned with existing systems of intervention.